Thursday, July 16, 2009


On my way from Bergen to Preikestolen I decided to visit some famous waterfalls in Norway. They're near Odda city and people calls them Latefossen. The main waterfall itself isn't so interesting and is really hard to photograph, because of a souvenir kiosk and road in direct proximity. Besides it splashes so much water, that your camera is completely wet after just 2 or 3 pictures taken. But I've successfully taken pictures of other, even more beautiful waterfalls. Weather wasn't perfect, so pictures are rather drafts for future works, but you can just see how they look.

From the waterfalls spot I went to Preikestolen camping passing past nice city Tau when I was lucky to admire sunset in Norway for the second time during my entire stay. Finally after passing over 30 tunnels and many waterfalls I arrived and set up my tent. Night wasn't long, but I slept well and woke up ready to climb to the 604 m above sea level peak. Next to the trailhead there's a parking where they want 80 Kr for leaving your car. Unfortunately you don't have many other options, so you're forced to pay and cry.

I started climbing in heavy rain at about 10:00. It should take about 2 hours to the top and 2 from the top. But this is theory. Trails is so heavily crowded, even in such rain, that sometimes you don't have even single stone to step. Actually there's 4 km line to the peak and you still have someone in front of you and someone behind. It's like zillions of people. Like it would be the only such place in Norway. Or even in the entire world. I was wondering why they want to see the pulpit rock so much? And after 2 hours I saw it altogether with another zillion people sitting on it. Clouds were heavy and view a little bit vague, but I am patient. And waited few minutes to get a godsend. Suddenly sun came and make me view this wonderful rock in quite different light. I was even lucky to take few pictures in proper light. Just after that sun went as fast as it came. And I had to cover the trail back in the rain again. But it wasn't the worst. The worst was crowd. I do not recommend going up so late. It's better idea to climb very early in the morning or very late in the evening. But of course it depends on weather. I must say again that Preikestolen is nice, but probably the most overcrowded place in the whole, big, beautiful Norway. Fortunately you can imagine how it looks without having thoughts about killing all this people with a rifle. Just enjoy the pictures below.

One interesting picture I've taken downhill when came back from Preikestolen. It's typical norwegian hat with grass on the roof:

Hint: Never go to Preikestolen in the middle of day. You'll fight with people and trail is not easy while crowded. Take at least a bottle of water and some food. While 1 km from the rock, use alternative trail. It is a bit harder, but less crowded.

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