Monday, September 22, 2008
Internet from Aster City (finally)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Trip to Olsztyn and Warmia
1. Nice view in the Luknajno preserve

Monday, September 8, 2008
Supai farewell (I hope it's temporary only)
I decided to cite few sources about what happened to Supai:
"The Havasupai tribe is closing the village of Supai to visitors until damage from the August 17 flood is repaired, expected to take until next spring. There are reports of extensive destruction of the travertine deposits that make up the face of the waterfalls and form the pools at their base.
There was also extensive damage to bridges, campgrounds, and trails.
The Flagstaff Daily Sun posted a slideshow of the flood and its aftermath. [right, Havasu Canyon. Credit, Havasupai Reservation]"
It's seriously sad news. I'm shocked! I really feel compassion to Havasu Tribe. These nice people are temporary out of business and it's very sorry sight."The trails leading to the village are not passable.
The bridges crossing Havasu Creek are washed out, and the waterfalls they lead to are unrecognizable.
“It’s devastating,” said Drusilla Clarke, speaking for the Bureau of Indian Affairs. “My grandparents lived down there. It’s going to be really hard for the people.” [...]
The beauty of that part of the Grand Canyon is an important part of the tribe’s identity, and tourists coming to visit it are an important part of its economy.
Billy Jack, with the Havasupai tourism office, said camping revenue alone generates $2 million for the tribe annually, and that, at best, it will be six months to a year before the area gets anywhere close to normal.
“I’m afraid it looks pretty grave,” Jack said. “The whole area’s unstable, especially toward the falls. “The tourist dollars are really critical.”
The BIA, Coconino County sheriff’s officials and tribal leaders were hesitant to guess when the village will become viable again as a tourist destination. Most of their knowledge of the damage comes from aerial tours and photographs."
What I can do is to show you some waterfalls pics I've taken during my only two trips to Havasu (Autumn 2007 and Spring 2008). Here they're - hope it'll be possible to take better pictures in the future...

Sunday, September 7, 2008
No Internet for 2 more weeks?
Monday, September 1, 2008
Visit to Alicante
Finally (thanks to Magdalena & Team) we saw about 15 apartments, most of them were newly developed, but we also visited few second-hand. I have to say, that Costa Blanca got very expensive last years. In the Internet one can find many offers below 100k EUR, but they're completely unattractive when seen live. If you want to buy something nice, you have to pay at least 160k EUR (+tax and costs, that is another 20k EUR). And it's still about 900m away from the beach.
And we even found something nice and probably rentable, but it turned out that you can earn maximum 10k EUR/year minus costs of maintenance and cleaning. After thinking it over I decided to drop this idea and move my prospective business somewhere else - investments in Spain don't seem to be attractive anymore.
And please find few pictures below:
1. View from the bungalow for 130k EUR (net):

2. Swimming pool in a bungalow for 130k EUR (net):
3. Swimming pool in the crappy apartment for 160k EUR (net):